Prepare yourself for every leap

Online Course for Parents

Babies don’t come with instructions - they teach us every day. Here, you’ll find a customized toolkit for understanding children’s behavior.

  • The format of my course is a series of twelve, one-hour a week, live online sessions that cover a range of parenting topics. I’ll give you tools to handle everything from those picky eaters to never-sleepers, from little protesters to “mine”-“mine”-“mine”-ers. And sure, you can look up tips and tricks yourself on any internet platform, which may or may not be helpful. But what you’ll find here is unique: an in-depth, lively, interactive course based on scientifically-based research and years of professional experience — a course where you can benefit not only from my own expertise but from the shared experiences of other parent participants as well. The online sessions are customized to the group participants, so whether you have a newborn, an older infant, a toddler, or a preschooler, this course can help you navigate through your baby’s early childhood years and beyond. For details, see the Course Content section below.

    Each course participant will also receive a complementary one-hour 1:1 online consultation session!

    Over the last decade-plus, working primarily with children from infants to five-year-olds and their families, I’ve been collecting gems of wisdom and insight, skills and strategies, and research and resources pertaining to child development. And now, I’m here to share them with you in these sessions.

  • Interested in taking the course? Register and let me know! Courses are offered by demand so whether you’re registering on your own or want to get a group of your friends and family to take it with you, I’ll coordinate with you to get it started!

    Using a videoconferencing platform, each course session will take place online for an hour on a weekly basis, over the course of twelve weeks. The online nature of the course enables you to participate from the comfort and convenience of your home. The session times are scheduled to help you participate without having to split your attention, such as after your child has gone to bed. Each course series is available on the following weekly tracks.

    Each one-hour course session will be followed by an optional 30-minute Q&A. Courses are limited to 20 enrolled participants maximum, which ensures that the content and Q&A can be tailored to your needs. Once you register, we’ll coordinate a start date for you and your group. From there, you can set up your payment plan with me and enroll! For the complementary 1:1 online consultation session, I will coordinate with you about a time slot after the online course begins.

    If you are interested in taking the course, click here to register. For details on payment options, see below under the Cost section.

  • Total fee to enroll in the 12-week course is $750.

    Payment plan options*

    • Installments: three monthly payments of $250

    • Up-Front: pay in full and get 5% off

    • Group Rate: Refer one or more friends who enroll before your group starts and each of you get a one-time 10% discount off the $750 total

    *Discount still applies if your friend is in a different group

    *Discount still applies if you pay in installments

    *Discounts cannot be combined

Course Content

In this first session, we’ll look at a range of educational pedagogies - including RIE®, Montessori, and Reggio Emilia - and view childhood and parenting through a diverse cultural lens. Drawing on various child development theories, we'll explore how caregiving routines can be learning opportunities for your child. Together, we’ll set goals and begin to build skills that can help you be present and in tune with your child.

Whoever said, "Sleep like a baby" has probably never met a baby. Sure, they can (sometimes) sleep through loud noises, bumpy rides, and even birthday parties, but as any parent knows, those are fleeting moments. In this session, we'll look at sleeping options as you decide what's best for your family as a whole. I'll guide you through the process of helping your child learn skills to help them sleep, whether that be in your bed with you, in a crib, or in a "big-kid" bed. We'll take a close look at sleep stages from infancy through toddlerhood to help you understand your child's sleeping patterns, and share strategies to sustain a well-rested family.

Diaper changes can be tricky, especially for those testing toddlers. In this session, we'll look at ways to engage your child in their diapering routines, and set the foundation for successful transitions to toilet learning. We'll also look at the toilet learning transition itself, and share strategies to support your child's potty sit routines as they move out of diapers and into underwear.

Food. Some kids love it, some kids would rather just eat sand. From bottle feeding to introducing solids to setting up healthy eating habits, we'll explore it all. We'll look at strategies to help your child learn to love food, fruits and veggies alike.

A baby's first steps can be one of the most exciting moments, and one of the scariest. The days of having a stationary baby come to an end, and baby-proofing becomes paramount. In this session, we'll look at what happens before a baby takes those first steps, and what happens from that moment on. We'll get inside their heads as they begin learning to control their fingers, arms, legs, torso, and so on. Whether they're learning to roll, crawl, sit, stand, grasp, walk, run, jump, climb, draw, build, throw, catch, you name it, we'll find ways to support those curious movers.

One of the greatest challenges in a young child's life is to figure out what everyone around them is saying, and to figure out how they can say things too. As children learn to talk, there are many complexities and nuances of language they must master, and as adults, we can guide them through it all. In this session, we'll look at how children learn language, and even multiple languages. We'll explore how to optimize language learning opportunities, and how to support children's interest in both language and literacy.

A child’s brain begins to form and develop in the first trimester in the womb, and when the child is born, their brain weighs around one pound. By the time the child reaches one year of age, their brain doubles in weight! Children’s brains continue this rapid growth and by age five, 90% of the brain is developed. So, as adults, how do we optimize learning in the context of all this brain development? Here, we'll look at modalities of learning, and how we can support children as their brains soak up the world.

So many toys! With modern technology advancing at an incredible rate, there is no shortage of flashy toys and techy tools that captivate curious children. And while technology has its place, it can be difficult to discern which toys promote children's learning, and which ones simply pacify them. In this session, we'll take a close look at what kind of materials can best support children's attention maintenance, critical thinking and problem-solving skills, curiosity and initiative, and more.

Emotions. They can be wonderfully exciting and exhilarating, but also painfully exhausting and exacerbating. A child's laugh can lift your soul, but their cry can drain you dry. It can be a real challenge when our own emotions influence our reactions and interactions with our children. Here in this session, we'll dive into the emotional life of a young child, from babyhood on, and learn strategies to help children (and ourselves) understand and regulate emotions, the wonderful and the painful.

When your sweet baby turns into a testing toddler, it can be hard to figure out what to do. Setting limits and boundaries, and following through on them, while also respecting a child's will can be tricky to navigate. Negotiations run on as children find ways to get what they want. As adults, how we respond to a testing toddler is often influenced by our own experiences and upbringing. Sometimes, we find ourselves trying to do the opposite of what our parents did, and other times we find ourselves imitating them, whether intentionally or not. The strategies we will learn about in this session are drawn from years of experience and research, and can help inform your decision for how you want to handle your child's behavior.

Sharing may be caring, but how we teach it to children can determine how genuine and compassionate they become. When children, whether siblings or friends, begin to fight, knowing how to intervene appropriately can be difficult. In this session, we'll learn about the stages of social play, and look at how we as adults can foster children's empathy and skills as they learn to resolve conflicts.

In our concluding session, we'll review the topics we've covered and apply them to the family as a whole. We'll look at factors that surround and influence family dynamics, and find ways to foster empathy and compassion within the family. We'll share experiences, we'll laugh, we'll cry, we'll celebrate the joy and wonderment of parenthood.