Parenting Compass

For Navigating the Early Childhood Years

Available as eBook, Paperback, Hardcover, and Audiobook

Much like a compass shows you where you’re heading, this book is meant to help orient you as you navigate the early childhood years. Derived from scientific research and years of experience in the field of early childhood education, the strategies and philosophies in this book can help you with a range of common challenges parents face as their children go through the infancy, toddlerhood, and preschool-age years.

Whether you’re weathering the storming tantrums or embracing the calming cuddles, this book can help you get a feel for which strategies lead to which outcomes in children’s behavior. The tone of this book is one of empowerment. No one can tell you how to parent. This book provides you with tools for your “parenting toolkit” to draw from as you develop your own parenting style.